For MEDICAL And TRANSPORTATION Emergencies ONLY Call 24 Hours A Day 1-800-334. June 22, 2015 (PDF) 352-439. Notification to revise ESCORT label for Non-Agricultural Uses re: Changes in Pests under "Brush Control" and "Mixing Instructions' per PR Notice 98-10 (II-B and II-M,. Restrictions on use See product label for restrictions. Groundwater Label Advisory Statement: Metsulfuron-methyl is known to leach through soil into groundwater under certain conditions as a result of label use. Title: Herbicide Sensitivity. labels for escort xp herbicide (432-1549) pre-fix. Varro for Green Foxtail Control. Bloomberg: mergent activity. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of. Escort XP Herbicide use in lake restoration projects in dewatered zones of Method 240SL herbicide is the foundation for custom blending to control up to 56 broadleaf weeds and brush in a variety of climates, operations and regions. Section 3 (Related Registered Product): 101563-167, ESCORT XP HERBICIDE Agent Name: BAYER U. Oust XP Herbicide, 3 Lbs. Ally® XP. TELAR XP HERBICIDE. SENCOR DF 75% DRY FLOWABLE HERBICIDE. If. Emergency Telephone Number (24hr/ 7 days) 1-800-334-7577. For precise measurement, the herbicide should be weighed using a scale. Damage to susceptible plants can occur when soil particles are. 5 or less may resultOpensight® specialty herbicide may be applied by aerial or ground equipment to control susceptible broadleaf weeds and certain woody plants, including invasive and noxious weeds on rangeland, permanent grass pastures, CRP acres, non-cropland areas including industrial sites, rights-of-way (such as roadsides, electric utility and communicationEscort XP, Patriot, Ally SI. But a herbicide-based program with Arsenal controls a broad spectrum of brush species and helps reduce costs. sulfonylurea herbicide such as DuPont Glean® cereal herbicide, as crop damage may occur. ESCORT XP HERBICIDE. Keystone Pest Solutions Escort XP Herbicide - 16 Ounces [432-1549] - Escort XP Herbicide (16 Ounces) Escort XP Herbicide is a water dispersible granule that controls weeds and woody plants primarily by post-emergent activity. Mode Of Action: Herbicide - 2. com Emergency telephone no. GROUP 2 HERBICIDE XP Escort HERBICIDE FIRST AID IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING:. Application Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 4 Lbs. The latest label is at the top of the list. You may also contact 1-800-441-3637 for emergency. Source: 5 Bayer Internal Trials. 432-1549 SLN. Add the proper amount of spray adjuvants. UserESCORT® XP HERBICIDE 1/11 Version 3. Bayer Environmental Science SAFETY DATA SHEET ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE 2/10 Version 2. PREPARING FOR USE - Site Specific ConsiderationsEscort® XP Herbicide must be used only in accordance with instructions on this label or in separately published Bayer Cropscience LP instructions. Search: PRODUCT. It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. 2. Generally SUSCEPTIBLE to severe injury or kill-- Herbicide performance often depends on application rate, surfactants and other additives used in the herbicide, timing of. % 2,4-D amine (46. The younger, the better. Bayer CropScience SAFETY DATA SHEET ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE 2/10 Version 1. the herbicide products that are used for kudzu control. 9 -3. Object moved to here. ESCORT® XP is registered for the control of annual and perennial weeds and unwanted woody plants on private, public and military lands, on rights-of-way, industrial sites,Pastora Herbicide Bayer EPA Registration #: 432-1567. No. (Base label): AMINOPYRALID GROUP 4 HERBICIDE Milestone® SPECIALTY HERBICIDE For control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds including invasive and noxious weeds, certain annual grasses, and certain woody plants and vines on: xrangeland, permanent grass pastures (including grasses grown for hay*), Conservation. Special Hazard (NFPA)/ Personal Protection (HMI) SEE SDS . 0 oz/ac. CIMARRON ® MAX HERBICIDE must be used only in accordance with directions on this label or in separate published BAYER CROPSCIENCE LP directions. ALLY XP herbicide is not registered for use inAlamosa, Conejos, Costilla, RioGrande, and Saquache counties of Colorado. Andermatt Biocontrol AG. PREPARING FOR USE - Site Specific Considerations When applied as a spray, Oust XP herbicide is absorbed by both the roots and foliage of plants, rapidly inhibiting the growth of susceptible weeds. , 1 Gal. Tank mix ESCORT® XP with 2,4-D. Steps for mixing 1. Bloomberg:Escort® XP Herbicide must be used only in accordance with instructions on this label or in separately published Bayer Cropscience LP instructions. Escort XP Herbicide is a dispersible granule that is mixed in water and applied as a spray. ALLY XP herbicide is a dry-flowable granule that controls weeds in wheat (includingdurum), barley, triticale and fallow. Approved In. Anatis Bioprotection Inc. Paclulging 2. ESCORT® XP may be used for general weed and brush control on industrial non-crop sites and for selective weedRates To Use: On established turf, apply at the rate of 60 mL of WeedAway Premium 3-Way XP Turf Herbicide in 10 L of water per 100 sq. View the product label for AquaMaster from Bayer CropScience. For Spot Treatment for the Control of. O. DO NOT apply DuPont Glean® cereal herbicide in a tank mix with DuPont Ally® herbicide as a pre-plant application. 5. November 15, 2019 (PDF) 432-1561. Label restrictions and recommendations change constantly; therefore, consult the product label before use. Contamination of irrigation water is possible as an exposure route for nontarget plant species (1). nBe Packaged In: Child·Resistant Packaging Unit Packaging Weter SQ4ubl. No. For. 3. Atticus Ag. With our activities, we provide an innovative product portfolio, interdisciplinary partnerships, training and education programs as well as global advocacy. Notification to revise ESCORT label for Non-Agricultural Uses re: Changes in Pests under "Brush Control" and "Mixing Instructions' per PR Notice 98-10 (II-B and II-M, respectively) Section -III . FOR. The latest label is at the top of the list. To the extent consistent with applicable law BAYER CROPSCIENCE LP will not be responsible for losses or damages resulting from the use of this product in any manner not specified by BAYER CROPSCIENCE. Professional Product Group 9 Herbicide Time to Kill : Visible effects on most annual weeds occur within 2 to 4 days, but most perennial weeds may not occur for 7 days Shipping Weight : 25. In case of emergency, call the toll-free Bayer CropScience Emergency Response telephone number: 1-800-334-7577. HI-160002 THIS LABEL IS VALID UNTIL 11/04/2026 UNLESS OTHERWISE AMENDED, WITHDRAWN, CANCELED, OR SUSPENDED. May 10, 2019 (PDF) 432-1549. - Herbicide, Preplant/Preplant Incorporated - Herbicide, Postemergence - Herbicide, Preemergence - Herbicide. EPA Reg. Another herbicide option would be Surmount (picloram + fluroxypyr) at 2 pint/acre. Revolver Herbicide can be applied as a broadcast treatment in a minimum of 25 gallons of water per acre. BAYER CROPSCIENCE LP will not be responsible for losses or damages resulting from the use. O. No. 5 billion, on top of $2 billion already in place, to address future lawsuits in case the court denies the request or rules against the company. Bayer Environmental Science A Division of Bayer CropScience LP P. TELAR® XP is recommended for the control of annual, biennial, and perennial weeds on. Mixing Chart for Liquid Herbicides Solution Concentration 1 Gallon. GROUP 2 HERBICIDE XP Escort HERBICIDE FIRST AID IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING: Take off. 80. Information on supplier Supplier Bayer Environmental Science A division of Bayer CropScience LP 500 Centregreen Way, Suite 400 Cary, NC 27513 USADecember 17, 2020 (PDF) 71368-1. With no grazing restrictions when used at 1 2/3 ounces/acre or less, Escort XP offers the flexibility of being able to be used on non-crop areas adjacent to pasture and rangeland. escort xp herbicide: march 31, 1999 (pdf) select pagination. ) TANK MIXTURES ) "Escort" can be u3ed a3 a tank-mix herbicide with other 3uitable regi3tered herbicides, such a3 picloram,- dicamba and 2,4-D. $21. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. EPA Reg. DuPont BAYER CROPSCIENCE LP will not be responsible for losses or damages resulting from the use of this product in any manner not specifically instructed by the label. Material ThE. 0 / USA Revision Date: 06/16/2015 102000030324 Print Date: 06/17/2015 SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Description of first aid measures General advice When possible, have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or. Emergency Telephone Number (24hr/ 7 days) 1-800-334-7577 Product Information. pdf; Current SDS All. One (1) jug treats 40 acres. Active Ingredients: Metsulfuron methyl 60% Herbicide Mode of Action: 2 EPA Signal Word: CAUTION / PRECAUCIONTelar® XP is a broad-spectrum tank-mix herbicide that provides contact and residual control in pastures where farmers and ranchers want to keep their bahiagrass. Emergency Telephone Number (24hr/ 7 days) 1-800-334-7577 Provided below is the information for the product you selected. Weed control may be reduced when applications are made to weeds under stress due to drought or cool temperatures. escort xp herbicide: february 24, 2021 (pdf) 432-1549: escort xp herbicide: may 10, 2019 (pdf) 432-1549: escort xp herbicide: june 22, 2015 (pdf) 352-439: escort xp herbicide: march 26, 2015 (pdf) 352-439: escort xp herbicide: may 30, 2012 (pdf) 352-439: escort xp herbicide: february 29, 2012 (pdf) 352-439: escort xp herbicide: june 01, 2009. Pesticide labels translate results of our extensive evaluations of pesticide products into conditions, directions and precautions that define parameters for use of a pesticide with the goal of ensuring protection of human health and the environment. Sprayed Telar DF herbicide alone Sprayed Escort XP herbicide alone and in combo with 2,4-D. Selective to many grasses, Escort XP is known for its low use rates and flexibility. March 20, 2020 (PDF) 432-1561. Kills a variety of weeds, grasses and woody plants. Bayer CropScience Inc. TELAR® XP HERBICIDE is for the control of many invasive and noxious broadleaf weeds in pasture, range, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands, and non-crop industrial sites, including grazed areas on these sites. Broadstrike™ RC. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Alexander Drive Research Triangle PK, NC 27709 USA Responsible Department Email: SDSINFO. Arizona Cotton Research & Protection Council. DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Avoid applying ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE if prevailing local conditions may be expected to result in off-site movement. PMRA Approved Label 2019-1319 2020-06-08 Page 1 of 14 ESPLANADE™ SC Herbicide GROUP 29 HERBICIDE SUSPENSION Preemergent Herbicide for the Control of Annual Grasses and Broadleaf Weeds in Non-Residential Non-Crop Areas such as: Railroad and Rail Yards, Managed Roadsides, Fence Rows, Utilities, Hardscapes, Industrial, Military Bases, Municipal Escort XP Herbicide, this dispersible granule, post-emergent herbicide mixes in water for spray application and controls many annual and perennial weeds and woody plants in non-crop areas and conifer plantations. Do not use more than 4/10 ounce/acre of ESCORT® XP. FIRST AID MEASURES. BAYER CROPSCIENCE LP will not be responsible for losses or damages resulting from the use of this product in any manner not specified by BAYER CROPSCIENCE LP. Bayer Environmental Science SAFETY DATA SHEET ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE 2/10 Version 2. This label for Escort XP Herbicide expires and must not be distributed or used in accordance with this SLN registration after October 10, 2021. Avoid applying ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE if prevailing local conditions may be expected to result in off-site movement. Managers should always reference potential herbicide labels during the herbicide selection process. 0 / USA Revision Date: 06/16/2015 102000030324 Print Date: 06/17/2015 SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Description of first aid measures General advice When possible, have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or. ESCORT® XP may be tank mixed with other pesticides labeled for use in pasture, rangeland and CRP. , 250 Gal. It also offers some residual activity in the soil, helping to kill weeds in. Uniform, thorough spray coverage of the targeted weeds with properly calibrated spray equipment is important to achieve consistent weed control. Bayer CropScience LP will not be responsible for losses or damages resulting from the use of this product in any manner not specified on this label. com Emergency telephone no. Escort® XP Herbicide is registered for the control of annual and perennial weeds and unwanted woody plants on private, public and military lands, on. . For general broadcast applications,. Application Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 2 Gal. TELAR® XP Herbicide is recommended for the control of. Pre-emergence herbicide-No additives necessary. 130000036195. Information on supplier Supplier Bayer CropScience Inc #200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd, SE Calgary, Alberta T2C 3G3 Canada Responsible Department Email: SDSINFO. Canada thistle is susceptible to several systemic herbicides. precautions on the label, or are unable to make a site specific evaluation yourself, consult your local agricultural dealer, cooperative extension service, land managers, professional consultants, or other qualified authorities. Add the proper amount of spray adjuvants. Atticus Ag. Section 3 (Related Registered Product): 101563-167, ESCORT XP HERBICIDE Agent Name: BAYER U. , Oust XP). AVOID CONTACT OF HERBICIDE WITH FOLIAGE, STEMS, EXPOSED NON-WOODY ROOTS OR FRUIT OF CROPS, DESIRABLE PLANTS AND TREES, BECAUSE SEVERE INJURY OR DESTRUCTION MAY RESULT. Subject: Amendment to a Supplemental Label – Extended the expiration date, fixed typos Product Name: Method 240SL Herbicide EPA Registration Number: 432-1565. Information on supplier . 'rap areas and conifer plantations. Enlist One and Enlist Duo herbicides are the only 2,4-D products authorized for use in Enlist crops. No. 6 Bu/A as of 12/13/2022. • Always follow the precautions and instructions for use on the label of the pesticide you are using. Box 12014 2 TW Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 Subject: Registration Review Label Mitigation for Nicosulfuron and Metsulfuron-methyl Product Name: Pastora Herbicide Application Date: 11/8/2017 EPA Registration Number: 432-1567 Decision Numbers: 540876; 553217 Dear. Accepted Date. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. FIRST AIDWarrant® herbicide is an acetochlor-based pre-emergence and postemergence residual herbicide. Inhalation Move to. , LLC Address: 5000 CENTREGREEN WAY, SUITE 400 City, State Zip: CARY, NC 27513 First Registered Date: MARCH 28, 1986 Current Status (Date): Registered (MARCH 28, 1986) Restricted Use: NO Labels SLN/24 (c) Chemical Alt Brand Name ESCORT® XP herbicide is a dispersible granule that is mixed in water and applied as a spray by ground or aerial application. Mineiro 2 F is compatible with most nutritional spray programs and pairs well with insect growth regulators to fight resistance. Special Local Needs Number: FL170004Company Name: BAYER ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCEDivision Name: A DIVISION OF BAYER CROPSCIENCE LPAddress: 700 CHESTERFIELD PARKWAY WESTCity, State Zip: CHESTERFIELD, MO 63017 First Registered Date: AUGUST 11, 2017Current Status. Section 3 (Related Registered Product): 101563-167, ESCORT XP HERBICIDE Agent Name: BAYER U. 75 to 5 ounces product per acre in the fall, before the soil freezes, or in the spring after the soil thaws. LINDBERGH BLVD. FIFRA Section 24(c) Special Local Need Label . PREPARING FOR USE - Site Specific. The herbicide product label directs individual herbicide application rates associated with various soil factors (figure 1). July 16, 2015 (PDF) 352-654. 2% hexazinone). Pastora Label 7-16-15. - CROP SCIENCE Agent Address: 700 CHESTERFIELD PARKWAY WEST Agent City, State Zip: CHESTERFIELD, MO 63017. 432-1549 EPA SLN. FL-17004 THIS LABEL IS VALID UNTIL 12/31/2020 UNLESS OTHERWISE AMENDED, WITHDRAWN,. 1. qxp_Oust XP 3 lb 85834355A 18030 . ESCORT® XP HERBICIDE must be used only in accordance with instructions on this label or in separately published BAYER EPA Reg. Custom blend with Esplanade ® for an outstanding bareground solution. Always read and follow label instructions. ESCORT® XP herbicide is a dispersible granule that is mixed in water and applied as a spray by ground or aerial application. WEEDAR 64 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE. Containing the active ingredient deltamethrin, Adjourn SC can help you achieve fast-acting knockdown with an extended residual control that performs at exceptionally low application rates. WEEDAR 64 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE. Low-dose Aspirin™ is also used during suspected heart attack to help reduce damage to the heart, and as cornerstone therapy for reducing risk of recurrent CV events, specifically, heart attack and ischemic stroke. Herbicide. 264-738. Bayer EPA Registration #: 432-1572.